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Bucks & Montgomery County
Residential & Commercial Pest Control

Bees and Stinging Insects
Bee Control & Extermination Services
Got Bees? We can help! Below is some information on common bees you’ll find in your yard – request a free estimate today to learn how we can eliminate your bee problems.
The Carpenter Bee is about 1/2 to 1 inch long, resembling bumble bees, but with the top surface of the abdomen bare and shining (bumble bees are 1/4 to 1 inch long, with an overall fuzzy appearance). Carpenter bees rarely sting. They prefer to nest in weathered and unpainted wood.
The female typically bores a circular hole straight into the wood, across the grain, for a distance equal to her body length. Then, the tunnel takes a right-angle turn, usually with the grain of wood, and parallel to the outer longitudinal surfaces. New tunnels average 4-6 inches long but, tunnels used by several bees may extend up to 10 feet.
The Baldfaced Hornet is about 5/8 tap 3/4 inches long.
The European Hornet is about 3/4 to 1 3/8 inches long. In the spring, hornets use chewed-up cellulose material to build a paper carton nest of several dozen cells covered by a paper envelope.
Yellow Jackets are about 3/8 to 5/8 inch long. Abdomen usually banded with yellow and black. Most species are ground nesting. However, the German Yellow Jacket usually nests in buildings. Yellow Jackets usually will not sting unless their nest entrance is approached, then they are quite aggressive.
Paper Wasps are about 5/8 to 3/4 inch long. Brownish with yellow markings, a few species have reddish markings. Paper Wasps like to hang their comb nests form porch ceilings, window and door frames, sofits, eaves, attic rafters, deck floor joists and railings, etc., almost any protected place imaginable.

Carpenter Bee

Boldfaced Hornet

European Hornet

Yellow Jacket

Paper Wasp